Water Quality Testing

* Note that all of the water quality testing pricing does not include the trip charge fee($50-$75) *

** Note that all of water quality testing turn-around times are typically 2-3 days unless otherwise noted **

Standard Conventional Tests= Coliform/E-Coli + Nitrate - $50

Samples are collected at the kitchen sink unless otherwise requested or it is not operational, whereupon it will be collected at; the/a bathroom sink, or if not then the/a utility sink, or if not then the/a sample tap, or if not then the/a outside faucet, or if not then the/a outside hydrant, or if not then direct from the well(a wellman would have to be onsite to perform this).

Standard FHA/ VA/ RD Tests = Comiform/E-coli + Nitrate +Nitrite + Lead - $110

Samples are collected at the kitchen sink unless otherwise requested or it is not operational, whereupon it will be collected at; the/a bathroom sink, or if not then the/a utility sink, or if not then the/a sample tap, or if not then the/a outside faucet, or if not then the/a outside hydrant, or if not then direct from the well(a wellman would have to be onsite to perform this).

Softener Check Tests= Iron + Hardness (Before & After Tests) - $50

Recommended for water systems that have a water softener or water conditioning system within the water system to check its performance. The “before” sample baseline test is taken at a point located before the water conditioning equipment. If no sampling point is available before the conditioning equipment then no baseline is tested for and just a “conditioned results” test result is given.

Drinking Water System Check Tests= Coliform/E-coli + Nitrate= $50

Recommended for water systems that have a dedicated drinking water system, filter, or device within the water system to check it’s performance. The tests can be compared to the baseline standard conventional or standard FHA/VA/RD tests performed, or done on a standalone basis if no baseline testing is needed or desired. If no baseline is tested for then a “filtered results” test result is given.

Check with your lender to see if they’ll accept water testing results from the filtered water location for underwriting in lieu of the traditional water testing location. If there is a filtration system in place for cooking and drinking purposes due to an already known water quality issue then taking the primary water tests there instead of at the traditional unfiltered location might make more sense and save money by not having to retest the filtered water location as well as the traditional water testing location or worse yet having to come back a second time to then test at the filtered water location after an issue is found at the more traditional unfiltered testing location.

Specialty Testing Parameters and/or Standalone Tests= Arsenic, Coliform/E-coli, Heterotrophic Plate Count, Hardness, Iron, Lead, Nitrate, Nitrite, Partial Chemistry, Volatile Organic Compounds(VOC) , Other - $ See Below

Recommended where required (Saugatuck Township requires testing for VOC at “Point of Sale”), or where there is a known issue (the Lake Templene area in Sturgis has routinely had high arsenic testing results in the well water there), or even when there is a suspected issue (wells drilled or homes built before 1986 are more prone to have lead in the well components, plumbing pipes, fixtures, and soldering).

These tests can be performed with other testing or evaluation packages, or just as a standalone.

Arsenic Test - $30

Arsenic occurs naturally in soil and rock, and over time can dissolve into lakes, streams, rivers, and groundwater aquifers and so can enter source water in drinking water wells. Arsenic can also enter groundwater through industrial and agricultural waste products. Long term exposure to arsenic from drinking water and food can cause cancer, skin lesions, and has been associated with cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In utero and in early childhood, arsenic exposure in drinking water has been linked to negative impacts on cognitive development and increased deaths in young adults.

If found, arsenic can be filtered out of drinking water for cooking and drinking purposes. Arsenic contaminated water usage in other forms is not considered as dangerous as arsenic is not easily absorbed through the skin, and so is more of a consumption concern as opposed to a contact concern. Check with a water treatment professional for the best options to mitigate your houses specific risk.

Coliform/E-coli (Bacteria) Test - $25

Coliform bacteria can enter your water well through groundwater, surface water run-off, cracked or broken well components, poor well construction, and failing/failed septic systems. Coliform bacteria in your well water can mean that there may also be other disease-causing organisms viable in the water.

E-coli (escherichia coli) is commonly found within the lower intestine of warm blooded organisms. While most E-coli strains do not cause disease, virulent strains can cause gastroenteritis, urinary tract infections, neonatal meningitis, hemorrhagic colitis, and Crohn’s disease. Virulent strains are also responsible for bowel necrosis. Very young children are more susceptible to develop severe illness, such as hemolytic uremic syndrome, but individuals of all ages and health levels are at risk of severe consequences that may arise as a result of being infected with E-coli. Some stains of E-coli, 0157:H7 for example, can produce Shiga toxin(classified as a bioterrorism agent), which causes inflammatory responses in target cells of the gut, leaving behind lesions which result in the bloody diarrhea that is a symptom of a Shiga toxin-producing E-coli infection(STEC infection). This toxin further causes premature destruction of the red blood cells, which then clog the body’s filtering system(the kidneys), which can cause hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), which may then lead to kidney failure and even death. In 25% of HUS patients, complications of the nervous system occur which in turn causes strokes. This strain additionally causes the buildup of fluid leading to edema around the lungs, legs, and arms.

If found, coliform/ E-coli can be killed off by the chlorination of the water well and water system by a professionally licensed wellman. They may also recommend fixing any findings of broken, missing, or malfunctioning components that may be either the source cause, a contributing factor, or a potential future risk factor that has or could cause continued or recurring contamination of the water well system.

Heterotrophic Plate Count - $40

Heterotrophic plate counts(HPC’s) are commonly used to assess the general microbiological quality of the drinking water. This test is often used as a troubleshooting test when persistent or recurring failed coliform/E-coli water test occur within a water system, a coliform/E-coli water tests produce a satisfactory result but illness or unsatisfactory biological water quality persists, or a typical chlorination treatment doesn’t fix a slimy or foul smelling water quality issue caused by biological agents within the water system. This tests helps determine if a significant biofilm has potentially formed within the water system which can cause a normal chlorination treatment to fail in killing off all of the biological actors within the system by protecting some of the bacteria within the slime layer during a typical chlorination treatment of the system. When high HPC counts are found– especially after a typical chlorination treatment of the water supply– a much heavier dose of chlorination, longer contact/dwell time, and extensive flushing of the system pre and post chlorination is typically required to achieve a satisfactory biological testing result from the water system.

Heterotrophic Plate Count results will help determine next best steps for your preferred wellman or water treatment professional. Often times a number of factors are or can be contributing to one issue, and so may require a number of different professionals to consult as to how best to resolve the issue by way of both source water treatments and equipment along with water distribution system treatment and equipment needed to resolve the persistent issue.

Hardness - $25

Water “hardness” is the level of dissolved calcium and magnesium found within the water. “Hard” water is not a health risk but is an aesthetic nuisance because of the mineral buildup on plumbing fixtures and poor soap and/or detergent performance. Water is considered “soft” when testing less than 75ppm, moderately “hard” when testing between 75-150ppm, “hard” when testing between 150-300ppm, and very “hard” when testing at 300ppm or higher.

Our test is done via an adaptation of the EPA Phenantroline method 315B, for natural and treated waters.

There are a multitude of filters, devices, and equipment on the market to treat hard water. A water treatment professional can be consulted with the result(s) of the test(s) to determine how best to fix the issue by way of installing a treatment system, or servicing and either adjusting/ repairing/ altering/ or replacing an existing system already in place. To convert hardness results from ppm to gpg, simply divide the ppm results by 17.1.

Iron - $25

High levels of iron in drinking water is not considered a health hazard in Michigan, but can be an obvious aesthetic nuisance. Making up at least 5% of the earth’s crust, iron is one of the earth’s most plentiful resources. As rainwater infiltrates the soil and underlying geologic formations, it dissolves iron, causing iron to seep into aquifers that serve as sources of groundwater for water wells. When the level of iron is found to be over 0.3ppm it can cause the water to turn a reddish brown color and staining can occur on plumbing fixtures and the like.

Our test is done via an adaptation of the EPA recommended Method 130.1.

There are a multitude of filters, devices, and equipment on the market to treat iron in water. A water treatment professional can be consulted with the result(s) of the test(s) to determine how best to fix the issue by installing a treatment system, or servicing and either adjusting/ repairing/ altering/ or replacing an existing system already in place.

Lead -$30

Lead in drinking water typically comes from water surface contact by way of older(pre 1986) plumbing components such as piping, soldering, and fixtures, but can come also from source water by way of industrial runoff into water ways and into source water aquifers, or old water well components such as certain packer elements and brass components. Even up to 2014 fixtures were allowed to be made up of up to 8% lead and still be considered compliant. Lead is a known neurotoxin. Fetuses, infants, and young children are at the greatest risk for lead poisoning due to their brains and bodies rapidly developing and so more easily absorb lead than do those of older children and adults, but it is toxic to everyone of all ages. Adults are particularly at risk from cardiovascular disease due to lead exposure. As levels increase, the risk and harms become more severe. Even moderate to low levels of lead exposure– which might cause subtle symptoms– can still produce serious harm. Health effects include hearing loss, anemia, hypertension, kidney impairment, immune system dysfunction, and toxicity to the reproductive organs. Low levels of exposure can interfere with thought processes and lower children’s IQ and cause attention and behavioral problems– all of which affect lifetime learning. Children with serious lead-related neurological impacts are less likely to graduate from high school and are more prone to delinquency, teen pregnancy, violent crime, and incarceration. While the United States Environmental Protection Agency has a federal standard “action level” limit set at 15ppb, Michigan is setting a stricter standard “action level” limit of 12ppb beginning by 2025. However, experts agree that despite these “action level” limit standards there is simply no “safe” level of lead.

If found, lead is fortunately easy to filter out and there are a multitude of filtration systems that can do the job. Check with a water treatment professional for the best options to mitigate your houses specific risk.

Nitrate -$25

Nitrate is a chemical found in fertilizers, manure, agricultural runoff, dairy lagoons, and liquid waste discharged from septic tanks. Nitrate also naturally occurs at safe levels in vegetables. Rain or irrigation water can carry nitrate down through the soil into groundwater aquifers that can may serve as source water for water wells. Consuming too much nitrate can be harmful– especially for babies. Consuming too much nitrate can affect how blood carries oxygen and can cause methemoglobinemia(also known as blue baby syndrome). Bottle-fed babies under six months old are at the highest risk of getting methemoglobinemia. Testing for nitrates is typically also done as a cheaper more common water test to perform to check for potential surface water infiltration into the groundwater aquifer that is serving as source water for the water well. If the water tests high for nitrates, it is likely that other surface water contaminates are also present in the water. With this in mind, treating water for consumption purposes via a system such as a reverse osmosis is strongly recommended as a reasonable precaution.

If found, nitrate can be filtered out of drinking water for cooking and drinking purposes. Nitrate contaminated water usage in other forms is not considered as much as a concern as nitrate is not easily absorbed through the skin, and so is more of a consumption concern as opposed to a contact concern. Check with a water treatment professional for the best options to mitigate your houses specific risk.

Nitrite - $30

Nitrite is not stable in water and rapidly transforms into nitrate fairly easily. Its presence is an indicator of high concentrations of either nitrate or ammonia. Microorganisms in the soil and sewage can change the nitrate into nitrite.

If found, nitrite can be filtered out of drinking water for cooking and drinking purposes. Nitrite contaminated water usage in other forms is not considered as much as a concern as nitrite is not easily absorbed through the skin, and so is more of a consumption concern as opposed to a contact concern. Check with a water treatment professional for the best options to mitigate your houses specific risk.

Partial Chemistry - $75

Partial chemistry testing is for those looking for a more all-encompassing test of the water quality. Partial chemistry test parameters check for; nitrate, nitrite, chloride, sulfate, fluoride, iron, sodium, and hardness.

Turn around time for this is typically an additional week, but can be sooner or later depending on the laboratory’s schedule.

Volatile Organic Compounds(VOC) - $150

Volatile organic compounds are compounds that have a high vapor pressure and low water solubility. Many VOCs are human-made chemicals that are used and produced in the manufacture of paints, pharmaceuticals, and refrigerants. VOCs are typically industrial solvents, such as trichloroethylene; fuel oxygenates, such as methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE); or by-products produced by chlorination in water treatment, such as chloroform. VOCs are often components of petroleum fuels, hydraulic fluids, paint thinners, and dry cleaning agents. VOCs are common ground water contaminants.

Turn around time for this is typically an additional week, but can be sooner or later depending on the laboratory’s schedule.

If found, VOCs can be filtered out by way of a carbon filter. Check with a water treatment professional for the best options to mitigate your houses specific risk.

Other - $TBD

Other testing parameters can be performed as requested.

Onsite Water Well System Evaluation

Note that all of the evaluation pricing does not include the trip charge fee($50-$75)

Note that all of the evaluation report turn-around times are typically 2-3 days from the time of evaluation

Onsite Water Well System Evaluation - $100

Not just a “flow test”, our well evaluations consist of checking a multitude of a water well system’s components and devices for proper functions, including; the  wellhead location (if able to locate), well casing size and termination (if accessible) proper wellhead cap and condition (if accessible) proper wellhead wiring conduit and condition (if applicable), number of pressure tanks, their location/ type/ size/ and condition (if accessible), pump switch settings (if able to determine) and switch condition (if accessible), pressure gauge readings (if installed and functional), pump location/ type/ size (if accessible) and condition, pumping capacity/ gallons per minute/ system recovery time/ water flow volume during pump cycling, checking for whistlers, cycle stop valves, and other devices or components within the system that could be installed that would or could alter typical component performance specifications — whether intentional or not. We also check for any water treatment system filters, devices, or equipment that may be installed within the water system and note their existence and location within the system and the need to maintain them.


A basic schematic drawing of the found system components locations in relationship to the house and each other is provided along with a typed reporting of the findings from the testing performed of the systems components while onsite with a summary given of whether the system was found to be in satisfactory condition or if any malfunctions or deficiencies were discovered within the system that need addressing or further investigating. Recommendations are also given for any system concerns that may need servicing, repaired, or replaced by a professional based on what was discovered during the evaluation.

Onsite Wastewater Disposal System Evaluation:

Note that all of the evaluation pricing does not include the trip charge fee($50-$75)

Note that all of the evaluation report turn-around times are typically 2-3 days from the time of evaluation

Onsite Wastewater Disposal System Evaluation - $200

Not just a septic “tank” inspection, our evaluation covers as much of the entirety of the system as we can possibly locate and access. We start by running water from the house– checking for proper flow through the waste lines and that nothing backs up– locate any injection/lift pumps that might exist within the house and check that they’re operational and keep up with the water demand designed to be sent to them. We try to locate any secondary waste lines that might not be tied into the main sewer line, and if any are found then try to determine their destination– whether to a dedicated secondary system, tied into the main septic system from the outside, or if they go out to another final discharge destination. From there we locate the septic tank(s). We always try to access the outlet side of the septic tank(s) even if there is already an inlet maintenance access riser to grade available as most septic tank issues are found at the outlet side of the tank such as; deterioration of the septic tank or precast wall baffles(if applicable), missing outlet baffles or extension pipes, or submerged or partially submerged outlet pipes. We also check for any secondary inlet and outlets that might exist in the septic tank other than the primary inlet and outlet lines. The septic tank is also checked for size, construction material, proper baffles being in place, and it’s structural condition including checking for; leaks, tank degradation, root intrusion, or other issues. If not pumped out onsite during the evaluation(which is recommended unless a pump out has recently been performed) sludge layers are checked to determine if the tank is due or past due for a pump out based on the amount of sludge and scum found in the septic tank(If the tank is in need of pumping this will be noted as a “system deficiency” in the report, of which the recommended “fix” would be to have the septic tank pumped out). If the system has a “dosing chamber” that the septic tank discharges into that then gets pumped from there to the drainage system, that dosing tank is also accessed (if possible) and checked for its size, construction material, and structural condition, along with checking for proper dosing pump functions, electrical wiring weatherproofing, and high water alarms(if installed). Whenever possible, a sewer camera is sent down the outlet pipe(s) of the septic tank(s) in order to locate, test, and inspect the drainage system(s) while we also hydraulically test the drainage system(s). Whenever accessible, drain lines from the septic tank are checked for issues that might cause drainage issues either currently or in the near future such as; crushed or bowed drain lines, pipe separation or breakage of the drain lines, root intrusion into the drain lines, or saturation of the drain lines. Once the drainage system(s) is located it’s type, size, location, and condition(s) are observed and noted. If a drainbed or drainfield and scoped with the sewer camera, the drainage system is checked for crushed or blocked drainage lines, root intrusion, and saturation. If a drywell or block trench system and scoped with the sewer camera, the drainage system is checked for crushed or blocked drain lines, root intrusion, and saturation levels. When scoping with the sewer camera is not possible, probing efforts are utilized to try to determine as much as possible about the drainage systems location/ type/ size/ and condition. Typically the stone or area around the found drainage system is “cored” to better determine the drainage system’s condition.

A basic schematic drawing of the found system components locations in relationship to the house and each other is provided along with isolation measurements from the water well(if applicable) to the septic tank and drainage system along with measurements from the septic tank to the house and the septic tank to the drainage system. A typed reporting of the findings from the testing performed of the systems components while onsite is given with a summary given of whether the system was found to be in satisfactory condition or if any malfunctions or deficiencies were discovered within the system that need addressing or further investigating. Recommendations are also given for any system concerns that may need servicing, repaired, or replaced by a professional based on what was discovered during the system evaluation.

Probing and digging around in the yard is a natural part of the evaluation process, and while great care is taken not to hit or damage any unmarked private or public buried utility or water lines, MI Water Operator LLC nor any of its hired affiliates onsite can or will be held responsible if it occurs. Utility and irrigation lines should not be over or in any parts of the wastewater system, but MISS DIG and/or an irrigation contractor should be contacted before the time of evaluation by the property owners to locate and identify where and what they are if there is a concern that they might be in or near the wastewater system.

Consulting Services:

Note that all of the consulting pricing does not include the trip charge fee($50-$75)

Note that all of the consulting report turn-around times are typically 2-3 days from the time of event

Sewer Camera Consult - $100 - $150

We work with homeowners, plumbers, excavators, and pumping contractors to help locate or troubleshoot systems. Whether it’s trying to determine where a drain line goes, or to finding where exactly a drain line is blocked or crushed, to even locating a septic tank or drainage system, sometimes the help of a sewer camera is needed. Our camera can be located to where exactly it is and how far down the line or system is. With 200ft of cable for the sewer camera, we can usually locate what’s needed.

Access to the drain line via a pulled toilet, drain line clean out, septic tank outlet pipe, or some other such access is needed to be able to run the sewer camera.

Troubleshooting/ Second Opinion Services - $TBD

At times realtors, buyers, or sellers need help locating or troubleshooting of a system, or a second opinion for clarification and/or confirmation of the system findings by another entity is wanted. We can help with this on a case-by-case basis whether it is for water wells or wastewater systems

Commonly Bundled Service Packages:

Note that all of the service pricing does not include the trip charge fee($50-$75)

Note that all of the evaluation report turn-around times are typically 2-3 days from the time of evaluation

Note that all of water quality testing turn-around times are typically 2-3 days unless otherwise noted

Standard Conventional Well/Water/Wastewater Evaluation + Tank Pumped - $325+ Pumping Fee

This is the most common package for real estate transactions where both a water well and wastewater disposal system service the property. Includes bundled services* plus the septic tank is pumped. Pumping charges typically range from $300-$400 depending on the location and size of the septic tank.

Buyers, check with your realtor as pumping charges might be able to be negotiated as a sellers expense. These charges will be listed as a separate line item on the invoice for clarity.

*(Standard Conventional Tests, Onsite Water Well System Evaluation, and Onsite Wastewater Disposal System Evaluation)

Standard Conventional Well/Water/Wastewater Evaluation - $350

This is the second most common package for real estate transactions where both a water well and wastewater disposal system service the property but the septic tank has either been recently pumped out or it is not wanted to be pumped out at the time of evaluation for some other reason. Includes bundled services*.

*(Standard Conventional Tests, Onsite Water Well System Evaluation, and Onsite Wastewater Disposal System Evaluation)

Standard FHA/ VA/ RD Well/Water/Wastewater Evaluation + Tank Pumped - $385

Same as our conventional package but also includes nitrite and lead water quality testing parameters.

Buyers, check with your realtor as pumping charges might be able to be negotiated as a sellers expense. These charges will be listed as a separate line item on the invoice for clarity.

Standard FHA/ VA/ RD Well/Water/Wastewater Evaluation - $410

Same as our conventional package but also includes nitrite and lead water quality testing parameters.

Standard Conventional Well/Water Evaluation - $150

This is the most common package for real estate transactions where a water well services the property. Includes bundled services*.

*(Standard Conventional Tests and Onsite Water Well System Evaluation)

Standard FHA/ VA/ RD Well/Water Evaluation - $210
Same as our conventional package but also includes nitrite and lead water quality testing parameters.
Onsite Wastewater Disposal System Evaluation - + Tank Pumped= $175 + Pumping Fee
This is the most common package for real estate transactions where a wastewater disposal system services the property. Includes Onsite Wastewater Disposal System Evaluation + the septic tank is pumped. Pumping charges typically range from $300-$400 depending on the location and size of the septic tank.

Buyers, check with your realtor as pumping charges might be able to be negotiated as a sellers expense. These charges will be listed as a separate line item on the invoice for clarity.